The Benefits of Mānuka Oil

While its nourishing and restorative healing properties help contribute to smooth and supple skin, Mānuka Oil helps alleviate many common skin ailments. Its soothing and calming antiseptic properties are useful to treat acne, dry and itchy skin including dandruff, insect bites and stings, chafing, sunburn, minor grazes and infections, and helps heal scars and reduce wrinkles and age lines.
As a massage oil its anti inflammatory effects help relieve joint and muscular aches and pains.
A few drops of Mānuka Oil in a glass of warm water makes a great gargle for coughs and mouth ulcers. However, it should not be swallowed i.e. taken internally.
Mānuka Oil has powerful antibacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory qualities when applied topically, and is also helpful in the treatment of fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and tinia.
Adding a few drops of Mānuka oil to your shampoo or conditioner when washing your hair, helps treat dandruff, relieves itchy scalp and is a rich conditioner, moisturising & revitalising dry & brittle hair leaving it soft and supple.
Mānuka Oil has much stronger antiseptic and therapeutical properties than standard tea tree oil and for example has been shown in some research to be 20 - 30 times more effective against gram-positive bacteria and several times more effective against fungal infections.
Using a Steam Distillery which we have built at Aotea, we gently extract pure concentrated Mānuka oil from the leaves of the plant to use in our range of products.